
tangan:Flag of Canton of Bern.svg

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saayaway a tangan (SVG tangan, maazihay hacica ku tabaki 470 × 470 syangsu, tangan hacica ku tabaki: 17 KB)

kina tangan nay 維基共享資源 hakay satu pisaungay tu zuma a cwanan. isasaay paazih kuyniay a tangan i tangan patahkal kasabelih a patahkalay a lacul.

Deutsch: Flagge des Kantons Bern
Français : Drapeau du canton de Berne
Brezhoneg: Banniel Kanton Bern
English: Flag of the Canton of Bern
saangangan offizielle PDF
masacudaday Paul Boesch
pabeli tu kinli mahasa
(patatenga’ tuyniyan a tangan)
Public domain
This file depicts the coat of arms of a Swiss Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law). Official works like coats of arms are in the public domain.

Note: The usage of coats of arms is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the copyright status of the depiction shown here.

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Wappen der Schweiz
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tangan nu nazipa’an

sapecec ku demiad/tuki sapiciwsace ku tuki nina demiad a tangan baziyong

sabaluhay | sakasumamadan) ciwsace (hatiya baluhayay 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)
demiad/tukisukep tu zungaditekmisaungayaypacunus sakacaay kapawan
ayza2023年1月7日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 04:28nu 2023年1月7日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 04:28 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga470 × 470(17 KB)EspanderoReverted to version as of 17:22, 23 December 2022 (UTC) please do not overwrite and upload as different file, this is part of a set with same collors all coming from the same source (see Category:SVG flags of cantons of Switzerland)
2023年1月7日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 04:11nu 2023年1月7日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 04:11 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga470 × 470(15 KB)HapHaxionReverted to version as of 16:25, 15 June 2022 (UTC). Rationale not valid for revert. Source given is official from the canton government, and where color is explicitly defined.
2022年12月24日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 01:22nu 2022年12月24日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 01:22 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga470 × 470(17 KB)EspanderoReverted to version as of 20:07, 20 November 2022 (UTC) no explanation given ?
2022年12月23日 (sakalima a demied nu lipay) 19:23nu 2022年12月23日 (sakalima a demied nu lipay) 19:23 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga600 × 600(23 KB)YoanTaskovReverted to version as of 01:57, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
2022年11月21日 (sakacacay a demied nu lipay) 04:07nu 2022年11月21日 (sakacacay a demied nu lipay) 04:07 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga470 × 470(17 KB)EspanderoReverted to version as of 15:43, 14 June 2022 (UTC) new source is for the city of Bern; makes more sense to use a source that show all the cantons
2022年6月16日 (sakasepat a demied nu lipay) 00:25nu 2022年6月16日 (sakasepat a demied nu lipay) 00:25 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga470 × 470(15 KB)HapHaxionred colour per https://www.designtagebuch.de/cd-manuals/Bern-Stadt-Corporate-Design-Manual%202021_1.pdf
2022年6月14日 (sakatusa a demied nu lipay) 23:43nu 2022年6月14日 (sakatusa a demied nu lipay) 23:43 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga470 × 470(17 KB)HapHaxionsquare
2021年12月25日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 10:37nu 2021年12月25日 (sakaenem a demied nu lipay) 10:37 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga469 × 470(17 KB)NgagnebinThe two black diagonal lines aren't part of the design
2015年5月11日 (sakacacay a demied nu lipay) 02:48nu 2015年5月11日 (sakacacay a demied nu lipay) 02:48 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga469 × 470(18 KB)D97vthe border isn't part of the design
2014年1月17日 (sakalima a demied nu lipay) 09:42nu 2014年1月17日 (sakalima a demied nu lipay) 09:42 baziyongay a sukep tu zunga472 × 474(13 KB)Gunnar.offelGrafik aus [http://www.vtg.admin.ch/internet/vtg/de/home/themen/internationale_kooperation/MP/militaerisches_zeremoniell.parsysrelated1.17761.downloadList.77713.DownloadFile.tmp/51.340dfahnenreglement.pdf offizielle PDF] entnommen, bereinigt, beschnitt...
sabaluhay | sakasumamadan) ciwsace (hatiya baluhayay 10 | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

isasaay kasabelih misiketkatukuh tina tangan:

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isasa’ zuma Wiki masaungay tina tangan:

ciwsace kina tanganay a yadah pulungamin pisaungay tu zasatu.

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